"Mindfulness - vulnerable, passive, and non-conceptual,
Wisdom - relaxing, releasing, and flowing,
Compassion - centered, spontaneous, and uncontrived:
fulfillment is at hand - joyful and at ease. "

Teacher, Guide, Friend
My life’s work has been reverse-engineering Tibetan Tantra in an effort to free Buddhism from the minions of orthodoxy, the fundamentalists of patriarchy; and place this powerfully transformative spiritual technology in the hands of everyday folks, like you and me.
"The Buddha's Contemplation,
Compassion, and Meditation"
is the spiritual practice
I have been in search for
my entire life.
I am so happy
to have found it.
And I am elated
to share it with you.
The quest for enlightenment
need not be mystical
cryptic or even pious
but simply as pragmatic as resolving:
I would like to be less of a dick-head,
I would like to be less stressed,
I would like to be less cranky, and contrived,
and rigid, and frightened.
I would like to be happy, and loving and peaceful,
and resourceful and creative,
I would like to be the person
my dog already thinks I am.

to Meditate Like a Jedi
an outreach of the Buddha Joy Meditation School 501(c)(3), where Buddhist and Taoist, philosophy and meditation are taught, from a distinctly geeky perspective.
Burbank, CA