Meditate Like a Jedi is the vision of Lama: Jigme Gyatso, a tantrika, monk and yogi. Driven by a passion to share the life-affirming benefits of meditation and philosophy, Jigme possess a one-of-a-kind point of view.
His approach to teaching mixes Buddhist and Taoist references with his own non-sectarian outlook on life. He has performed more than six, three-year retreats, and accumulated over 30,000 hours of formal meditation, and more than 30,000 hours of study.
What inspired Jigme, to follow the path of enlightenment when he was just a twelve year old little Jew? Star Wars! George Lucas’ depiction of “Holy Man as hero” changed his life, driving him to become a Buddhist and a Taoist, spending years earning the distinctions of Monk, Yogi, Healer and Teacher.
Lama Jigme has studied Buddhist psychology and contemplation with Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Laotian, Burmese, Thai, Sri Lankan and American masters. However, while he appreciates all of these honorable traditions, he does NOT exclusively follow one to the exclusion of the others, BUT rather, embraces an eclectic, non-sectarian perspective.