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Schedule of Classes

You are welcome to participate

in either Lama Jigme's livestreams at:

6am PST (-8 GMT),

10am or 10:35am PST (-GMT),

2pm PST (-8 GMT), and

6pm PST (-8 GMT).


You are invited participate on Youtube.

Use this tool to covert from the Pacific Time Zone to yours.


During the livestream you may either type your questions in the chat area, or you may go to Instagram, pop into the livestream-simulcast there, tap the "request" button on your smartphone's screen, and verbally ask your question face to face, and in real time.  


Donations are optional though helpful

so give only what you can

by setting-up a monthly donation,

in the amount of your choosing,

through PayPal


for the continued production

of the livestreams':

lessons, guided meditations, and

class materials - numerous and FREE to download


is supported by the GENEROSITY

of students, and viewers, and listeners, and readers

just like you.


However three things are mandatory:

FIRST – arrive early to each class,

SECOND – be considerate to all the classes’ participants,


and THIRD – do your homework

(following along with a livestream)

every morning and every evening

for 90 consecutive days;


for if you do fail to do so,

you will NOT meaningfully benefit

from your teacher’s time and energy


and you could also undermine

the experience of your fellow students.


Decide what you desire,

count the cost,

make a wise decision.


For as Morpheus said to Neo

during their first telephone conversation,

“You take a chance either way,

I leave it to you.”

                       – The Matrix, 1999

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