The production of these: livestreams, videos, blogs, class materials, and PDFs is supported by the generosity of viewers, and listeners and readers; just like you.
Although donations are optional, if you wish to benefit from the teachings
of the Buddha Joy Meditation School
three things are mandatory:
1 - attend livestreams punctually,
2 - participate enthusiastically, and
3 - be considerate of your fellow students.
When I told
Gen Wangamo
When I told my teacher, Gen Wangmo, that I desired to be a monk, a predatory expression danced upon her face as she asked me how I'd support myself.
For in the Tibetan Tradition
monastics must pay for room, and food, and robes and books and the like.
This money often comes from family or friends, or patrons (who make donations),
or students
and monks who find no patronage sometimes become homeless, wandering,
long-haired, bearded, Buddhist yogis.

As a disabled fellow, I found this to be quite physically taxing, and have resolved that the Buddha Joy Meditation School 501 (c)(3) would use the donations it receives to support the next generation of monastics that they might study and practice without the ensnaring distraction of searching for sustenance, shelter, and instruction.
The feeding and guidance of the poor, veganism, animal abolition and sustainability also we support.
So please enjoy all the blogs, videos and livestreams that the Buddha Joy Meditation School freely offers you and find it in your heart to support us with a monthly, tax-deductible donation through Patreon.
An effortless way to give to the Buddha Joy Meditation School is to do your online shoping on Smile.Amazon and designate that the Buddha Joy Meditation School be the recpient of Smile.Amazon's benevolence.
To those who would be my gratis students
I would remind you that neither fear, nor guilt, nor desperation will serve you well on the path of meditation.
Simply be punctual in your attendance enthusiastic in your homework, generous with your skillset, and everything could take care of itself.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we promote mindfulness, health and happiness. And in addition to teaching meditation and philosophy, we support other forms of outreach to help achieve our goal:
– Gratis spiritual counseling,
– Gratis meditation instruction,
– Gratis philosophical instruction,
– Gratis nutritional instruction,
– Gratis educational materials,
– Financial support of vegan-based feeding of the needy,
– Financial support of nutritional research and education,
– Financial support of ecological research and sustainability institutes,
– The training of future lay and ordained lamas, and
– Monastic support (housing, feeding, clothing, medical needs and education).
– As well as the EXPENSES incurred in our online outreach such as webinar platform fees, website hosting fees, email list management fees, and the like.
While we work very hard, we simply can NOT accomplish our mission without your support.
Please consider a setting-up a monthly, tax-deductible donation, in the amount of your choosing, through Patreon or PayPal.