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today's  downloads


Although you are welcome to download any text or video you desire

I recommend that you start with the two most recent livestreams

for they are updated every 24 hours (ideally)


Daily essay

Mailing list

Two Most Recent Livestreams:
Friday Morning Meditation - Class-notes, Shastra, Sadhana, & Video

Monday Evening Meditation - Class-notes, ShastraSadhana, & Video

These PDFs have been formatted to be read upon your smartphone

when it is held horizontally. 

Downloading these PDFs to your smartphone is child's play,

however navigating them and bookmarking them could drive you to drink.

Therefore I strongly recommend that you only open the PDFs

using the FREE kindle app.

When you do, a dialog box will ask you

if you'd like to covert your PDF into the Kindle format.

Enthusiastically click NO
















lest you lose my formatting

and are left with word salad. 

"Easy Enlightenment" Meditation Manual - STATUS: in progress

"The Root of Dzogchen"Commentary to Prahe Vajra's "Total Space of Vajrasattva"

"Song of Enlightenment" Shastra


"Tao Te Ching" translated by Rosemarie Anderson

"Metta Sutta"

"Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones" Shastra

"Samantabhadra's Vows" Sutra

Heart Treasure's Easy Meditation Sadhana

Blogs of interest to new students


Class Etiquette

What is the Buddha?

Why do we Meditate?

In Buddhism What is the "Unborn"?

Why "THE buddha"?

Christian Meditation practice text and video explanation

Meditations for Tantrums Triggered by Shattered Expectations - text and video

Latest Commentary to the Anapanasati Sutta

Tao Te Ching - vol 1 of 14 (ch 1-6)

Tao Te Ching - vol 2 of 14 (ch 7-12)

Tao Te Ching - vol 3 of 14 (ch 13-18)

Tao Te Ching - vol 4 of 14 (ch 19-24)

Tao Te Ching - vol 5 of 14 (ch 25-30)

Tao Te Ching - vol 6 of 14 (ch 31-36)

Tao Te Ching - vol 7 of 14 (ch 37-42)

Tao Te Ching - vol 8 of 14 (ch 43-48)

Tao Te Ching - vol 9 of 14 (ch 49-54)

Tao Te Ching - vol 10 of 14 (ch 55-60)

Tao Te Ching - vol 11 of 14 (ch 61-66)

Tao Te Ching - vol 12 of 14 (ch 67-72)

Tao Te Ching - vol 13 of 14 (ch 73-78)

Tao Te Ching - vol 14 of 14 (ch 79-81)

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