Discerning intuition from dread or desire (slavering and craven) could be dicey work. There are two toxic extremes: SCATTERED-spontaneity and NO-spontaneity. Between them lays the treasure of CENTERED-spontaneity, but how are we to cultivate it? Its seeds can be found, deep within our autonomic nervous system, like fan service in a sci-fi movie.
Every twelve hours mentally recite “Notice this…” vulnerably, passively, and viscerally during each inhalation. Heighten your latent skills of physical relaxation and mental release by silently reciting “relaxing!” with each exhalation.
Begin with five minuet sessions, adding an additional five minutes every week
and within three months you could have the intuition of Qui Gon Jinn.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – http://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #intuition #relaxation #quigonjinn
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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