Depressive anxiety disorder is a thief, robbing us of time, and joy, and even hope; for who’s to say that it couldn’t return? It is imperative, therefore, to go to the PCRM website and find a plant-based psychiatrist to ensure that depression’s physical preconditions are remedied.
Ironically we could harness the weight of sorrow and frenzy of fear to drive our contemplations of stress, interdependence, impermanence, and even no self. Our freedom meditations could help us to soar above these two like a jet piercing the clouds, and our bliss meditation could help us to explore their empty nature. Harness your loss and fear and you too could meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – – linktree in profile - #loss #meditate #jedi
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Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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