At the risk of sounding like a fortune cookie,
the most effective way to study
(no less master) Zen,
is not to learn its techniques
(myriad and numerous)
but to master its essence.
Or, to wax poetic:
it is important NOT to confuse the moon,
for the finger pointing at it.
The Buddha’s quest
is to accomplish liberation
from the our resistance to our stressors.
His path is three-fold.
Master contemplation as well as meditation
and kindness takes care of itself.
It is challenging enough
to master the most effective techniques
BUT the waters are muddied
by allowing the quest
to be yet another form of resistance;
like Anakin Skywalker turning to the dark side
to save Padme,
who he then strangled
because he turned to the dark side.
The secret, then, is to find and then practice techniques
that are so liberating
that you become utterly content to simply practice.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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