The Tao Te Ching
is the world’s
most read book
second only to the Bible.
In it we read
of a division in two
or a dichotomy…
referred to,
in the original tongue,
as yang and yin,
male and female.
Or, to put a finer point upon it,
toxic masculinity
and healing femininity.
Although we could observe
that NOT all masculinity is toxic
NOR all femininity healing.
In this age
of neuroscience
we could think of it
this way…
when we are working
with focused,
foveal vision…
our pupils constrict
and we access
our sympathetic
nervous system…
and it’s fear
and it’s aggression,
and its desire to dominate…
of Master Windu’s
red hot glare…
on full display
when conversing
with Anakin.
When we are working
with our peripheral vision
and our pupils are wide…
we are accessing
our parasympathetic
nervous system…
with its peace,
and creativity,
and resourcefulness…
and readiness
to go
with the flow.
Just as the pupil constricts
in foveal vision…
the majority
of so-called spiritual folk
upon the path of uptightness…
in their rigidity, and anxiety,
and aggression
have NO use…
for folks traversing
the path of expansion,
and towards them
are vehemently opposed.
In the Christian
New Testament
we read…
“…the light shone
in the darkness
and the darkness
comprehended it NOT.”
Another Jew,
many centuries later,
by the name of
Albert Einstein taught…
“Great spirits
have always encountered
violent opposition
from lesser minds.”
That is probably why,
in the myth of the Buddha
we see that it was only after…
he left his father’s court,
and after he left
organized religion…
only then,
on his own,
that he found
And likewise in Tibet
we find that yes,
there are many monks…
shorn of head
and opulent in silks…
but we also find a minority
of wild mountain yogis
long of hair and beard…
who practice
listening to the whispers
of the Dharmakaya…
which we could think of
as the Buddhist version
of the holy spirit…
and thus
NOT heeding
the edicts
of dogma.
The latter is the path
that the Buddha traversed.
And the most ancient of statues
depict him
with long hair
tied in a top knot…
and long beard twisted
and tucked under his chin
like a stereotypical
Sikh warrior.
The Buddha forsook
the path of constriction…
and practiced,
and mastered,
and taught
the path of expansion.
Like centered and spontaneous
Qui Gon Jinn
who explained
to his stressed Padawan…
“I counsel patience,
the solution
will present itself.”
That is why we practice
both contemplation and compassion,
that we, like he
might meditate like a Jedi.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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These spiritual poems are also available on
the “Meditate Like a Jedi” podcast.