Our minds could be as frenetic as a manic squirrel after his third espresso. In “The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King” the great Tibetan yogi (Dza Patrul Rinpoche) described a technique (silly and simple) that could push PAUSE.
From the meditation posture, raise a hand overhead, and snap your fingers as you forcefully utter the one-syllable mantra “Pey!”
Return both your hands to your lap. With each inhalation you could silently and mentally recite “This…” and access mindfulness. With each exhalation you could silently and mentally recite “…yes!” and access mental release, as you physically relax.
Meditation and philosophy (youtube) livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/LamaJigmeGyatso - linktree in profile - #monkeymind #tibet #meditation
Let us conclude
with a simple
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