When practiced effectively meditation could function as an instrument of evolution: changing us in ways subtle and coarse, slow or sudden. Although these changes could be jarring and unexpected there is no need to fear them.
Before meditation most of us sport a Yang or patriarchal world view (regardless of the shape of our reproductive organs): tending to be rigid, fearful, controlling, elitist, and competitive. The Buddha’s passive meditation could transform us, remolding our drives, making us more: flexible, loving, laid-back, egalitarian, and cooperative. In time, instead of being driven by agenda (like a leaf in an storm) we could find our choices, utterances, and deeds gently flowing from a place of centered spontaneity; less like count Dooku and more like Qui Gon Jinn (who although came to Tatooine to repair a vessel left with the chosen one).
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #motivation #meditation #jedi
Latest contemplation guide and meditation text - https://www.meditatelikeajedi.org/_files/ugd/c5e62c_f2504cb23fee452595338733afe537ef.pdf
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