If you want to bake cookies that look, smell and taste of grandma’s, then follow her recipe. And if you want to accomplish the Buddha’s liberation then you should follow his instructions.
We could alter our states with plants or music, but he wasn’t interested in any of that. What was his goal?
There are many stressors: circumstantial, physical, interpersonal, and mental. The Buddha found that the more we have fallen under the influence of our clinging, craving, and hating the more intense our experience of stressors becomes. His eight-fold path could free us from their thrall in only seven months. Come let us meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeG – linktree in profile - #meditationmusic #jedi #stress
Let us conclude
with a simple
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