A good hearted fellow
asked for a contemplative solution
to, what he felt,
were the destructive urges
that he experienced
when in public.
“I should do this.”
“I shouldn’t do that.”
“Should” is poison
for it is the unctuous whisper
of contrivance;
a dark legacy
of our reptilian brain-stem.
On the other hand
centered spontaneity
is that which paves
enlightenment’s path.
One of the many benefits
of training in the Buddha’s technique
of passive meditation
is that we are able to notice
even the most grotesque of impulses
without falling into the extremes
of indulging them
or repressing them
(which would undermine our mindfulness).
For it is so much more liberating
to find a way to release them:
easy and sustainabe.
As we breathe IN
we could silently and mentally recite,
“Notice this…”
and as we breathe OUT
we could silently and mentally recite,
After twelve or so breaths
we could apply
one of the Buddha’s contemplations
such as the following:
During the inhalation
we could actively contemplate love
by silently and mentally reciting:
“Health bliss for all for FORMS…”
(“FORMS” being just a
monosyllabic synonym for “BODIES”)
and during the exhalation
we could active contemplate wisdom
by silently and mentally reciting:
“each felt, yet changing!”
After four repetitions
or rounds
we could return
to the passive meditation:
“Notice this…
And back and forth we could swing
from passive meditation
to active contemplation
and back again,
like the ponderous motion
of the brass pendulum
of a grandfather clock.
There are some who fear
this technique to be too passive.
But I assure you
that although impulses may easily dominate us
when we are in a state of scatteredness
or contrivance
each of us
is neurologically incapable
of indulging a destructive impulse
from the place of centered spontaneity
that is the fringe benefit
of practicing
“Notice this…
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Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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