I am going to tell you a secret about the Tao Te Ching. It is its own best commentary. But don’t take my word for it, put it to the test. Get a hold of the most dubious translation of Lao Tzu’s opus magus, read six chapters aloud, every 12 hours. Doing so you’ll get through all 81 chapters every week, not to mention 52 times every year.
As the seasons pass, as if by magic, the author’s original intention could make itself apparent to you, even if (towards it) the translator had been oblivious. Follow these instructions and your contemplation could so improve that you’ll meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and Philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #taoteching #meditate #jedi
Latest contemplation guide and meditation text - https://www.meditatelikeajedi.org/_files/ugd/c5e62c_a3ff6dae6f4943fbb7496a457850147f.pdf
Let us conclude
with a simple
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