Back in the 1990's (when the crust of the earth was still cooling) our computers came with a defragmentation program that enhanced the efficiency of our PCs. Our central nervous systems are rather similar. Life presents us with problems and as we rely upon our prefrontal cortex to focus and analyze our amygdala becomes stimulated. It is the seat of anxiety and aggression and can make of our lives a three ring shit show. Fortunately evolution has given us a remedy. When we silently and mentally recite the demonstrative pronoun "this" during our inhalation our cerebral cortex is induced to cooperate with the sympathetic nervous system (ensconced within the middle third of our spinal cord) which has evolved to notice vulnerably, passively, viscerally, randomly, and fleetingly. When we silently and mentally recite the one syllable verb "ease" during our exhalation our cerebral cortex is induced to cooperate with our parasympathetic nervous system (ensconced within both the lower third and upper third of that same spinal cord) which has evolved to support physical relaxation and mental release. What if mindfulness and meditation were merely methods of allowing our autonomic nervous system to calm our anxious and aggressive amygdala, stimulate our empathetic anterior cingulate gyrus, and induce our choices, utterances, and deeds to flow from the effortless effort of love's centered spontaneity?
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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